

Why We Exist


It was back in the youthful days in the rural village of Tshixwadza where I grew up with over 21 siblings. We were all looked after and our dad, Jame Ratshibvumo Mudzielwana had told us everyone would go to school. Going to school was to satisfy the parents, and because one would not want to study in the same class with younger siblings, passing was a must. What was puzzling was his commitment to take other community members to school until one day I asked him why and he answered that if the community could not go to school, [...]

Why We Exist2019-10-29T06:14:59+00:00

Tradition should not be a barrier to success


Environmental Management Environmental Management has been long been neglected in South Africa and companies were able to pollute and take away profits. Most mining towns are left depleted of resources and the community ripped of their pride and human value. The promulgation of Environmental laws has seen environmental compliance being enforced. Biggest challenges are the legacy problems and the shift of the mentality on how to engage on future without dealing with the legacy. The Environmental industry has been evolving and the call for alternative technology and operational models that reduces or minimise environmental challenges is growing. Such attempts of [...]

Tradition should not be a barrier to success2019-04-04T05:12:49+00:00

Public Participation can be effective


South Africa has risen above many challenges South Africa has risen above many challenges and managed to produce highly knowledgeable people who are highly qualified. A lot has happened and freedom was attained mainly through public engagements and each community of industry had representatives whose efforts were to have their views on what they believe a better South Africa will do to their careers and anyone living in the country. It came as no surprise when truth and reconciliation became the core of freedom. That was influenced by the Art of communication, facilitation and public participation which many who participated [...]

Public Participation can be effective2019-04-04T05:11:58+00:00

Humanity can lead to authentic country with ethics


South Africa is a country with opportunities South Africa is a country with opportunities that are not easy to identify and tap into. The economy is struggling to create jobs and politics are not helping to stabilise confidence for investment and expenditure. Each year, treasury receives billions that could not be spent by government institutions at various levels and that leads to questions on why money could not be spent and the answers are not forth coming. Each year budgets are allocated and government officials have KPIs and KPAs which are aligned to institutional visions. What happens in the middle [...]

Humanity can lead to authentic country with ethics2019-04-04T05:03:04+00:00

How to define your tone of voice and use it for marketing


Marketing collateral literally define how people perceive your business The words you use on your website, in your letters, on your products and in your documentation and marketing collateral literally define how people perceive your business. In other words, writing is branding and your tone of voice guidelines are as important as the logo and typeface you choose. Writing is branding Think about the companies you admire. Virgin, First Direct, Google, Innocent, the BBC, for example, all have very clear, distinctive voices. Even the CIA and MI6 have to think about tone of voice. Many clients come to us at Articulate asking [...]

How to define your tone of voice and use it for marketing2019-04-04T05:01:25+00:00

Business is beyond passion


The economic environment is changing. The shape of the economic environment is changing every day and people are unconsciously participating is change shaped by those leading. Young people of South Africa have delayed participation in economic emancipation because they were born and raised in an environment where generations hand over responsibilities and accountability. 25 years after attaining freedom, everyone is still looking for the clear definition of freedom in South African way. South Africa is in the era of expectations South Africa is in the era of expectations and young people are not clear of what is truth and what [...]

Business is beyond passion2019-04-04T04:44:17+00:00

Opportunities are within the Activity not name


Learn to think smart. Graduates and Entrepreneurs often say there are no opportunities and when they are looking for jobs they look for those written names of what they study or what they are interested in. It would be befitting for a graduates in Environmental Science to search for Environment to find relevant job. It is befitting for an Entrepreneur is logistics to search for logistic in order to find tender. Let me tell you, within the industry there are opportunities for every type of a career path. Let me make example of Waste Management, there is logistics for transporting [...]

Opportunities are within the Activity not name2019-04-04T04:40:57+00:00